reporting > providers from switzerland

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  • A
  • adcubum SYRIUS

    The ERP-based complete solution adcubum SYRIUS builds on a modular design and covers the business areas partners, portfolio, product engine, claims, collections & disbursements, commissions, sales, workflows, and data warehousing. Standard interfaces allow easy integration in existing IT landscapes, as well as add-on functions like printing and archiving.

    On request
    adcubum SYRIUS is a release-compatible standard software designed for Java EE/SOA and implemented in Java EE. The software builds on a flexible multi-layer architecture, is highly scalable, and satisfies highest safety, availability, and integration capability requirements.
    no data
    Adcubum AG More about the provider
  • B
  • B-Com Event Technologies

    B-Com is a comprehensive integrated modular enterprise event management application designed by and for event management professionals.

    B-Com is used to manage all aspects of events of any size from planning phase to delivery and matches the requirements of the most sophisticated and demanding events’ organizers and communities.

    On request
    B-Com is a solution that became the unique platform to all new business requirements (scientific abstracts handling, association management, ..-) thanks to its flexible N-tiers architecture. This software now features: 4 million C# code lines, Database with 650 tables and 10'000 stored procedures.
    no data
    PSideo SA More about the provider
  • bossERP

    The modern business software solution for your Windows or Mac environment, designed and developed in Switzerland.

    The modular structure of the fully integrated standard solution allows you to select and expand the scope and functionalities tailored to your needs. Since all your functional needs are covered in the standard, updates can be installed in the shortest possible time. You always benefit from the latest innovations.

    Professional order processing and modern financial accounting form the backbone of every successful company. With bossERP, we cover all the important processes for your SME in the standard version - regardless of whether it is a start-up, small or medium-sized company. With the additional licensable modules, everything from time and activity recording to CRM and a PPS can be integrated into the solution. In addition, bossERP offers various interfaces to peripheral systems.

    On request
    in Switzerland
    Company AG More about the provider
  • D
  • Datawise Kore und Reporting

    - Cost accounting for health care companies

    - Company wide reporting

    On request
    SQL Server, C#, Excel
    no data
    Datawise GmbH More about the provider
  • DokPro App / DokPro Business App


    With DokPro you can easily create clear records that are tailored to the construction industry. Our experience in the building and construction industry shows that today's work takes too long and rarely achieves the desired quality. According to a study, up to 30 percent loss occurs, because the billing of work in a construction project is not properly documented. Given this and the low margins in the construction industry, a profit quickly turns into a loss.

    That's why PSE Solutions GmbH has developed the DokPro application, which optimises processes, greatly reduces the time required to execute them, and improves the quality. Construction records, reports or billing documents are captured immediately in the smartphone or tablet. This way nothing is forgotten in the report, which could potentially affect the time and costs.

    The DokPro app also eliminates the need for the arduous task of formatting. The various templates help to capture all the important information. Your records will be consistent in the future and the company standards will be adhered to.

    DokPro Business:

    DokPro Business enables fast, simple, and intuitive capturing of minutes. Minutes are an important tool in all organisations for their documentation, controlling, and general business operations. Thus, topics, problems and decisions are recorded promptly, all parties are kept up to date and the work is steered in the intended direction. Our experience in project management shows that the documentation of minutes often takes too long and does not achieve the desired quality. That's why we have developed the DokPro Business application, which optimises processes and massively reduces the time required to capture minutes, without sacrificing quality. All parties are informed quickly and correctly, which saves not only time, but also costs.

    In addition, the DokPro Business App eliminates the need for the arduous task of formatting. The various templates help to capture all the important information. Your minutes will be consistent in the future and the company standards will be adhered to.

    available on request
    no data
    PSE Solutions GmbH More about the provider
  • G
  • GoSuite

    LiGenius GOSuite immediately provides the relevant information to eliminate risks and immediately minimize the costs of your Oracle licensing. The following three aspects are always taken into account:

    - what is used

    - what is licensed

    - what is needed

    The use of our GOSuite is exactly tailored for the analysis and management of your Oracle products and licenses. Thereby your physical as well as virtualized infrastructure is included.

    As a basis for all further actions and services we create with GOT4DB a detailed analysis of your license situation with license balance for your complete database structures. In addition to usage information by area, the analysis provides information on the causes of function usage and conveys concrete information on the actual license requirements for your current infrastructure.

    While a manual analysis takes about 10 to 15 minutes per database, with GOT4DB you can easily analyze thousands of databases within a few minutes - virtually in real time.

    Please ask
    SaaS or onPrem
    in Switzerland
    LiGenius Solutions AG More about the provider
  • H
  • H-REPORT Meldesysteme

    Reporting Systems:

    H-CIRS (Critical Incident Reporting System)

    H-FEEDBACK (feedback management)

    H-IDEE (ideas for improvement)

    further reporting tools

    On request
    in Switzerland
    new-win SW Solutions AG More about the provider
  • J
  • jacando HR

    Personnel management from A to Z:

    Admin for paperless personnel files, Match for efficient applicant management and Talent for goal-oriented performance management.

    With Seminar you plan company-own learning management and Communicate supports your internal communication.

    Our prices vary depending on our customers’ needs, starting from 60 CHF/month. More information:
    available in Switzerland
    jacando AG More about the provider
  • jacando Time

    Time management at a glance: With Track, your employees record their working time, Shift also manages your work schedules.

    Our prices vary depending on our customers’ needs, starting from 60 CHF/month. More information:
    available in Switzerland
    jacando AG More about the provider
  • K
  • Klixa Mobile Reporting App

    Android App for Time recording on project and customer • Timestamp function • Synchronization with an own ERP solution • Access to customer information • Integrated Knowledge Base • Design, structure and functionality customizable • Interface programming

    on request
    Android App, REST API and MySQL
    no data
    Klixa AG - Die IT Macher More about the provider
  • P
  • Performance recording (Order and project time recording)

    With "", hours worked and expenses are recorded where they are incurred. Project statuses, hours worked and resources can be called up at any time. Target-performance comparisons of project and order data at the push of a button enable optimal project controlling, exact post-calculations as well as exciting and meaningful productivity measurements.

    On request
    in Switzerland
    ZEIT AG More about the provider
  • M
  • Matomo

    Is safeguarding your data a top priority for you? If so, Matomo is the alternative to Google Analytics you've been looking for. With Matomo, you always retain control over your data. This makes Matomo the perfect web analytics alternative for public entities such as cities, cantons, or federal offices, as well as for anyone who values data privacy.

    Ops One takes care of the operation, regular updates, technical support, and consultation for you. Additionally, you benefit from our analytics consultation in collaboration with our partners. This makes us your one-stop-shop for all Matomo-related services in Switzerland.

    On request
    in Switzerland
    Ops One AG More about the provider
  • mySORBA

    With the full solution of SORBA you do more work in less time. Enter your data only once - and keep track of new and ongoing projects at all times!

    The SORBA construction software combines the following areas, which you can compile individually:

    - Basic programs (address and project management, extension with DMS possible)

    - Order processing (offers, SIA processing, calculation)

    - Accounting (general and subsidiary ledgers, payroll and financial accounting)

    - Activity recording (mobile reporting and time recording of employees)

    - Resource management (GPS, warehouse management, yard administration)

    - Controlling (final costing and management information system)

    Price on request
    in Switzerland
    SORBA Software More about the provider
  • N
  • Netfolio

    Netfolio® is an internet-based, secure and individually configurable portfolio management system that meets the highest requirements. In addition to software for asset management, Alphasys offers its customers comprehensive services up to and including document processing. This leaves more time to focus on the core business.

    On request
    in Switzerland
    Alphasys AG More about the provider
  • S
  • Staff scheduling (Shift planning)

    "" our module for personnel deployment planning (PDP) supports the planning and coordination of the complex requirements of work assignments. The services (functions), the deployment times, the deployment location as well as the cost centre are worked out for individuals or entire groups of people and stored in the system.

    On request
    in Switzerland
    ZEIT AG More about the provider
  • P
  • planyourbusiness Finance

    planyourbusiness supports you in corporate planning - secure, fast and efficient. For the yearly budget or capital requirement planning or in the creation of complete business plans to document startup projects or the development of new business areas.

    On request
    Web application based on the application platform datalizard G4.
    in Switzerland
    Datalizard AG More about the provider
  • PRIMADOCA - Building Information Management System (BIM)

    From planning to demolition, during the entire life cycle of a building, various participants from different specialist disciplines exchange data. To simplify data management, a common platform is used, that collects, combines and models all relevant data with PRIMADOCA. Thus, PRIMADOCA optimises the planning, execution and maintenance of buildings. Based on the data, the building can also be geometrically visualised as a virtual model. The system is used in building design and construction by architects, engineers and building technicians in civil engineering, urban planning, railway and road construction, in hydraulic and geotechnical engineering, but also in finished buildings by facility management. It serves as a central, reliable and authoritative source of information.

    Our PRIMADOCA complies with all requirements of the guideline 2552 of the Association of German Engineers. This includes ensuring the exchange of consistent data without redundancy between those involved in the project. Data security is guaranteed through read and write access rights. The changes are logged, stored in versions and can therefore be tracked. The procedures are also defined, who contributes and reviews what data in the common data environment and to which deadlines. Our PRIMADOCA also takes into account that the amount of data of a building grows over its life cycle and that the archived data must be readable and interpretable over a longer period of time. The PRIMADOCA system thus not only facilitates data exchange during the creation process, but also provides the basis for subsequent adjustments.

    available on request
    in Switzerland
    PSE Solutions GmbH More about the provider
  • Project Account

    Project controlling and service reporting - from budgeting to final costing!

    Project Account is a proven software for service reporting, invoicing and project controlling in all service companies or organisations that work and report on projects. From budgeting and preliminary costing to invoicing and evaluation, all processes are supported transparently and efficiently.

    On request
    Visual Basic, SQL
    no data
    Consultinform AG More about the provider
  • T
  • TimeStatement Pro

    TimeStatement Premium Time tracking can track working hours, record expenses, create professional invoices and send reports to the customer with one click.

    The TimeStatement online solution cuts administrative costs and costs, requires no installation, is easy to use and accessible from anywhere.

    - Hosted in Switzerland,

    - other locations available on request

    - Unlimited users

    - Unlimited projects

    - 2 GB of storage per user

    - Template/Layout modification

    - Invoice as PDF

    - Invoice as Word

    - Everytime telephone or e-mail support

    - And much more...

    10 CHF (Yearly 15 CHF per month)
    React, Node.JS und C#
    in Switzerland
    TimeStatement AG More about the provider
  • TimeStatement Selbst-Gehostet / Self-Hosted

    For companies that are looking for a professional in-house solution.

    TimeStatement Self-Hosted Time tracking can track working hours, record expenses, create professional invoices and send reports to the customer with one click without any limit. This solution is available in german, english and italian.

    The TimeStatement online solution cuts administrative costs and costs, requires no installation, is easy to use and accessible from anywhere.

    It has never been easier to track your time before. Your team will love it!

    - Unlimited users

    - Unlimited projects

    - Unlimited storage

    - Template/Layout modification

    - Invoice as PDF

    - Invoice as Word

    - Everytime telephone or e-mail support

    - And much more...

    On request
    React, Node.JS und C#
    in Switzerland
    TimeStatement AG More about the provider
  • Time recording and absence management

    Our basic module "" is an efficient and simple time and absence management system. The comprehensive tool provides a reliable overview of employees' working hours and absences. The most complex working time models such as flexitime, annual working time, shift etc. can be managed in an uncomplicated way.

    Thanks to mobile solutions such as the web client "" or the solution for the smartphone " App", working in the home office is no problem. Employees appreciate the location-independent option of recording time and absence. They also have a clear dashboard with the most important information at their disposal.

    For supervisors, the dashboard is not only an information tool but also a management tool. Supervisors can process requests or errors from employees in no time at all.

    On request
    in Switzerland
    ZEIT AG More about the provider