web analytics > providers from switzerland

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  • F
  • Friendly Analytics

    Friendly Analytics is the Swiss web analytics software. Improve your website, increase revenue and optimize your marketing strategy. Without compromising on data protection by hosting in Switzerland and complying with the nFADP (CH) and the GDPR (EU).

    On request
    in Switzerland
    Friendly GmbH More about the provider
  • M
  • Managed Applications

    Thanks to Ops One's Managed Applications, you've got everything under control: We handle the operation of your application, take care of all updates, and ensure security and stability. All this comes with superior service quality at very affordable rates.

    On request
    Discourse, GitLab, Mailserver, Mastodon, Matomo, Nextcloud
    in Switzerland
    Ops One AG More about the provider
  • Matomo

    Is safeguarding your data a top priority for you? If so, Matomo is the alternative to Google Analytics you've been looking for. With Matomo, you always retain control over your data. This makes Matomo the perfect web analytics alternative for public entities such as cities, cantons, or federal offices, as well as for anyone who values data privacy.

    Ops One takes care of the operation, regular updates, technical support, and consultation for you. Additionally, you benefit from our analytics consultation in collaboration with our partners. This makes us your one-stop-shop for all Matomo-related services in Switzerland.

    On request
    in Switzerland
    Ops One AG More about the provider
  • W
  • Web Analytics

    Draw the right conclusions from your analytics data. Find out how visitors to your website become customers. We show you how to interpret the key figures correctly and draw conclusions from them. Save costs by targeting your marketing activities more effectively. We specialise in web analytics in combination with server-side tracking.

    On request
    in Switzerland
    cloudWEB GmbH More about the provider