Adcubum is a leading Swiss manufacturer of standard software for the insurance industry. Adcubum has over 400 highly qualified employees at its headquarters in St. Gallen and in its branches in Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart, Zurich-Wallisellen, Solothurn, Lausanne, Lucerne and Zagreb. The core business activity is the development and maintenance of the standard software adcubum SYRIUS, a modular system for health, accident and property insurance. Together with qualified and specialized partner companies, Adcubum offers all services required for the successful introduction of the system during product introduction and optimization.
Zürcherstrasse 464
9015 St. Gallen
Tel 058 411 66 66

Products & Services
adcubum SYRIUS Product & Cloud Service show product detailhide product detail
- Description
- The ERP-based complete solution adcubum SYRIUS builds on a modular design and covers the business areas partners, portfolio, product engine, claims, collections & disbursements, commissions, sales, workflows, and data warehousing. Standard interfaces allow easy integration in existing IT landscapes, as well as add-on functions like printing and archiving.
- Technology
- adcubum SYRIUS is a release-compatible standard software designed for Java EE/SOA and implemented in Java EE. The software builds on a flexible multi-layer architecture, is highly scalable, and satisfies highest safety, availability, and integration capability requirements.
- Friday 15.11.2019
Responsibility and trust
An ERP product by nature complex. No wonder, then, that insuretech software producer Adcubum, based in St. Gallen, has always been dedicated to mastering the relevant technologies. This is only possible with the right staff. Christian Walter Complete ERP Software - Friday 24.07.2015
150’000 Rechnungen und Belege in 240 Minuten
Staatliche und private Versicherungsunternehmen müssen ihre IT automatisieren. Um dabei die Kosten tief zu halten, kommt immer häufiger Standardsoftware zum Einsatz. Gelingen kann dies aber nur mit Branchen-Know-how und Kundennähe. Christian Walter Complete ERP Software