data quality > providers from switzerland

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  • E
  • Edorex Database

    Information and data are the heart of every company. Special attention therefore needs to be paid to the infrastructure behind the company data – system failures and data losses have to be avoided at all costs. We will support you in this.

    On request
    Oracle DBMS, MS SQLServer
    no data
    Edorex AG More about the provider

    For some time now, geometry data has been used as a central basis for vehicle development throughout the company and across company boundaries. Engineers can generally access this data from anywhere, depending on the task they are working on.

    The situation is different for data that does not describe the geometry of a product, but its functionality. High-quality functional data is central to the application of model-based system engineering methods and is also required as input data for simulation applications in the context of digital product development. EXOKNOX is the first data management solution for functional data.

    Using a freemium version, companies can also exchange standardised functional data with their suppliers.

    On request
    no data
    Karakun AG More about the provider
  • F
  • Finding Pattern in Unstructured Text Data

    Machine learning models are used to transform unstructured text data into valuable insights. The Natural Language Processing (NLP) models help us understand the text data and calculate their similarity to each other. This process works without any data labeling, which saves tedious manual work and allows us to gain valuable insights from the data immediately.

    gopf helps companies analyze data such as CRM notes, answers to open questions in surveys, product descriptions, media releases, customer feedback, support tickets, qualitative surveys from market research, and many other unstructured text data and gain valuable insights.

    Below are two examples:

    * Telephone counseling: anonymous call notes are analyzed to gain more information about the reasons for calls, as well as to identify trends and derive preventive measures.

    * University: By means of web-scraping, program descriptions from other higher education institutions are obtained and visualized. This allows a picture of the market and so similar offers from competitors and trends in the market can be analyzed quickly and efficiently and one's own products can be realigned.

    On request
    Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Data Visualization and Humans
    in Switzerland
    gopf More about the provider
  • L
  • Lifecycle Documents

    In your company there is a lot of binding documentation, guidelines, instructions, leaflets or tariffs - also decrees in your authority - which are constantly changing and you and your customers are losing perspective?

    Our solution prevents your portfolio of documents sinking into chaos because you always keep control over consistency. Even required changes to existing legal agreements can be flagged to those responsible if relevant rules or regulations change.

    With our proven solution you see the version history of all your documents across the time line and keep them well organized and centrally filed.

    Through a powerful search function, you find the relevant documents quickly.

    Any changes to documents are automatically logged and visually presented. Within the document, you have full access to the current and all previous versions and can see what changed exactly and by whom.

    Of course, additional data such as images, tables or formulas can also be inserted directly into the system.

    On demand
    We use DocGenie, our centralized and cloud-based platform. It does not require installation on clients and runs in any modern browser. Thanks to various interfaces, DocGenie can be easily integrated into existing and changing system landscapes.
    in Switzerland
    iDPARC AG More about the provider
  • P
  • Phone Number Modul

    waave automatically assigns telephone numbers to employees. Number ranges and dependencies (department, location, etc.) can be defined. For example, IT employees in Zurich are assigned a number within the number range 8000-8299, so that telephone numbers and area codes are managed efficiently and correctly within the given number ranges.

    Thanks to the possibility of overriding suggestions, you still retain control: waave then checks whether the number exists within the predefined range of numbers and is still available. Phone numbers can also be reserved so that they are available for hotline, support or reception, for example.

    waave enables automatic management of phone numbers in Microsoft Teams and Skype for Business, so employees can use the phone number in teams or Skype for Business.

    Do you use different services than Teams or Skype for Business? We would be happy to check for you whether waave can automatically manage the telephone numbers in your telephone system!

    On request
    Microsoft Azure Cloud, REST API, Microservices
    available in Switzerland
    Razoon AG More about the provider
  • Project System Engineering Software

    The Project System Engineering software allows you, the Project Manager, Sub-project Manager or System Engineer, to focus on the managerial tasks. It reduces the administrative work in the long term by up to 30 percent. Planning, recording of project phases, milestones, work packages, reports, responsibilities and competencies are standardised. This standardisation with mandatory basic guidelines produces a higher quality of project management and increases the success of a project.

    Recorded changes in the course of a project are automatically updated due to anchored dependencies. Users of all stages thus receive the latest project development status and trend analyses to milestones, risks and costs. This constantly adapted fundamental information allows Project Managers to make the correct managerial decisions and increase the success of the project.

    The integrated Portfolio Management as the link between Project Planning and Project Development allows a quantity and quality comparison of all projects within a company, using the same benchmark. This allows those responsible to correctly prioritise and make the appropriate decisions.

    The persons involved in the project and their knowledge are centrally organised. This ensures the best possible use of resources. The software also simplifies communication with the different persons involved in the project.

    The Project System Engineering software was created from practical application and is based on long-standing experience. And in order to ensure that not only those involved in the project are updated but also the software, we constantly optimise the project management process in the software.

    available on request
    in Switzerland
    PSE Solutions GmbH More about the provider
  • S
  • SignON (Electronic Signatures)


    SignON is our solution for the easy handling of advanced and qualified electronic signatures in accordance with Swiss | EU law that fulfills the highest level of integrity, authenticity, and confidentiality.


    01 | Shorten signature turn-around time

    02 | Maximize conversions | Lower drop-off rates

    03 | Cost-effectiveness

    On request
    Qualified and Advanced electronic signatures
    in Switzerland
    ROCKON Digital Evolution More about the provider
  • Software Development and Data Management

    With our years of experience and broad Knowledge we can support you in all phases of your projects. Our software and data architects deal daily with the complex challenges of large IT organizations. They are able to create and implement solutions bringing demonstrable improvements to your business. Take advantage of the numerous services and solutions that we offer, tailored to your personal needs.

    On request
    no data
    AKROS AG More about the provider
  • U
  • Unique Identifier Modul

    All employees have a unique username, which is needed for different purposes. Using the Unique Identifier Module, waave automatically suggests unique usernames based on predefined rules. Thanks to the ability to override suggestions, you still retain control: The verification and centralized management by waave prevents duplicate assignments. If usernames are no longer needed, they are automatically blocked and can no longer be assigned. This is the case, for example, when an employee leaves the company.

    The Unique Identifier Module is primarily used for the administration of usernames. However, the possibilities are wide: You can not only manage usernames, but also any kind of identifiers such as for buildings or servers.

    On request
    Microsoft Azure Cloud, REST API, Microservices
    available in Switzerland
    Razoon AG More about the provider
  • W
  • waave Identity and Access Management

    With waave, our Identity and Access Management solution, you can organize your employee identities and access authorizations on different target systems simply, centrally and automatically. The Universal Directory is the central administration of waave. It is a directory of all identities and access rights. The data listed in it is synchronized with various target systems such as Active Directory and Microsoft 365. Through flexible processes for recording, maintaining and deleting identities, waave can manage all identities from employee entry to employee exit.

    waave supports you in complying with various data protection guidelines: All changes to identities are logged by waave and data management is documented. So you can always see who changed which data when and who had access to which systems at what time.

    waave is a modular solution. This means that you can expand the basic version of waave with various additional modules to meet your needs.

    On request
    Microsoft Azure Cloud, REST API, Microservices
    no data
    Razoon AG More about the provider
  • T
  • Training of Managers and Teams in Data and Artificial Intelligence

    The gopf team supports managers and teams in dealing with data and provides insights into the world of artificial intelligence. With exciting, real use cases from the world of Swiss companies, gopf teaches the basics of dealing with data and shows the potential of AI. Furthermore, gopf shows where the limitations lie and how companies can make efficient use and benefit of these new technologies today.

    gopf offers different workshops for knowledge transfer, as well as hands-on workshops, where data strategies, data models and AI use cases are identified together. The workshops are individually tailored to each client and can take place both physically and online.

    The workshops are conducted and led by the founder of gopf, Kevin Kuhn ( He is a lecturer at various universities and accompanies people in working with data. His focus is on: Development of data and AI strategies, data quality, data visualization, machine learning, natural language processing, and artificial intelligence (AI).

    On request
    no data
    gopf More about the provider