digital signature > providers from switzerland

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  • E
  • E-Signatur-Plattform

    Legally sign a PDF document with just a few clicks.

    Invite others to sign - they will be notified by e-mail.

    Sign multiple documents at once.

    Companies have the possibility to create a business account, with joint billing and centralised member administration.

    On request
    JSON REST-API; HTTPS web communication; AES-256 encryption; OpenID Connect user access; ISO 27001 hosting; Key management system
    in Switzerland
    Skribble AG More about the provider
  • W
  • wSign

    wSign is the absolute e-signature platform which allows users to upload, sign, download, and share documents with others to get them signed easily and quickly. It is available as a cloud service, also facilitating integration with the customer's internal systems or on-premise installation.

    It streamlines and coordinates signature operations and workflows, through an intuitive user experience with total protection of the user’s identity and data, allowing the signature from anywhere and any device with legal validity as is eIDAS compliant.

    The eSignature platform allows an easy management of single documents, dossiers, or multi-document to optimise the signature process and can be personalised with any corporate visual identity.

    wSign consents an efficient notification management system, which is able to keep email alerts under control , avoiding a huge amount of emails.

    wSign serves all industries and services, providing an easy way to get all documents signed and approved with full legal security.


    - Sustainable

    - Compliant

    - Secure

    - Usable

    On request
    no data
    EURONOVATE SA More about the provider
  • P
  • PDF & PDF/A Komponenten und Softwarelösungen

    Please find a detailed product overview on our Website.

    3-Heights™ PDF Software
    no data
    PDF Tools AG More about the provider
  • S
  • SignON (Electronic Signatures)


    SignON is our solution for the easy handling of advanced and qualified electronic signatures in accordance with Swiss | EU law that fulfills the highest level of integrity, authenticity, and confidentiality.


    01 | Shorten signature turn-around time

    02 | Maximize conversions | Lower drop-off rates

    03 | Cost-effectiveness

    On request
    Qualified and Advanced electronic signatures
    in Switzerland
    ROCKON Digital Evolution More about the provider
  • Subsign - Swiss Signing Solutions

    Swiss signature platform

    Subsign is a cloud-based solution that has been exclusively designed and developed in Switzerland and is fully hosted and operated in Switzerland.

    Contracts, offers, expert opinions, financial statements as well as documents and forms of any kind can be signed electronically with Subsign in a reliable, secure, user-friendly and qualified (QES) manner and provided with an electronic advanced seal. This enables convenient electronic business transactions with maximum legal security in both the European (eIDAS) and Swiss (ZertES) legal areas.

    On request
    JSON REST-API; HTTPS; Keycloak ; ISO 27001 Hosting
    in Switzerland
    OBJECT ECM AG More about the provider
  • T
  • tooyoo

    tooyoo is a digital platform, developed by Swiss Mobiliar, on which we can ask questions on the issues relating to the end of our lives and order useful services. We can securely store important information as well as our final wishes under headings relating to health, administrative matters, electronic accounts and passwords, wishes for funerals and inheritance planning. After we pass away, this information will be shared with selected persons whom we trust, who then are granted access to the specific details. These trusted parties can discharge their duties using an interactive checklist accompanied by a system for generating notification letters to inform various authorities and other institutions of our death. Compared to other solutions on the market, tooyoo is state of the art.

    On request
    in Switzerland
    Company von Schweizerische Mobiliar Services AG More about the provider
  • E

    ENSOFT is a desktop application that enables companies to manage the user experience of the signature process on signature pads that are able to retrieve the biometric data of the customer’s signature.

    The solution is developed with a modular pattern based on plugins, providing the possibility to customize and configure the application to cover different business needs.

    The software provides an agile user experience making it possible to personalize the interface and the signing field within documents with a corporate visual identity.

    ENSOFT has built-in workflows that allow the management of multiple signers and documents, streamlining the signing process among different signatories from separate branches through a coordinated multi-signature process. Creates a unique link between a signatory and the signed document.


    - A Biometric Signature, in an advanced process, has a higher legal value than a simple electronic signature.

    - Time savings through easier automation.

    - Cost savings in paper, print, physical storage and postal mailing.

    - Intuitive user experience akin to signing on paper.

    - Enables Digital Archiving, thus accelerating document-centric workflows.

    On request
    no data
    EURONOVATE SA More about the provider