life cycle management > providers from switzerland

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  • B
  • Byron/BIS

    Byron Informatik AG has developed the standard software Byron/BIS - an object-oriented development platform for the configuration of customized facility management systems. The Computer Aided Facility Management (CAFM) system Byron/BIS is certified according to the quality standard GEFMA 444 (German Facility Management Association) guideline.

    On request
    no data
    Byron Informatik AG More about the provider
  • D
  • deliveries

    Whether you're installing a new system or updating your current one, our intelligent cloud technologies let you meet requirements with no additional software license costs whatsoever. No implementation costs. No maintenance operations. No need for training. And no new hardware required. This isn't surprising, since all you need for these solutions is a secure Internet connection.

    Ab CHF 6.-/ Monat pro Client
    available in Switzerland
    CLUEBIZ TECHNOLOGIES GmbH More about the provider
  • L
  • Lifecycle Documents

    In your company there is a lot of binding documentation, guidelines, instructions, leaflets or tariffs - also decrees in your authority - which are constantly changing and you and your customers are losing perspective?

    Our solution prevents your portfolio of documents sinking into chaos because you always keep control over consistency. Even required changes to existing legal agreements can be flagged to those responsible if relevant rules or regulations change.

    With our proven solution you see the version history of all your documents across the time line and keep them well organized and centrally filed.

    Through a powerful search function, you find the relevant documents quickly.

    Any changes to documents are automatically logged and visually presented. Within the document, you have full access to the current and all previous versions and can see what changed exactly and by whom.

    Of course, additional data such as images, tables or formulas can also be inserted directly into the system.

    On demand
    We use DocGenie, our centralized and cloud-based platform. It does not require installation on clients and runs in any modern browser. Thanks to various interfaces, DocGenie can be easily integrated into existing and changing system landscapes.
    in Switzerland
    iDPARC AG More about the provider
  • M
  • Managed Services

    We take care of the operation and support of your digital solution - around the clock.

    As your personal operating partner, we take responsibility for the security and availability of your digital solution. We focus on application operation and the associated optimization and further development within the entire lifecycle of your digital solution. Together, we optimize the availability, performance and security of your application based on the needs of your customers.

    On request
    in Switzerland
    BEGASOFT AG More about the provider
  • P
  • package shop

    Continious security: Cluebiz Package Shop

    Don't spend any more time into software packaging, just download and update your products in our package shop. By accessing our globally unique technology your packages are generated "on demand" during your download and can be deployed within minutes.

    available in Switzerland
    CLUEBIZ TECHNOLOGIES GmbH More about the provider
  • S
  • Super Search

    Our intuitive and easy to use "Super Search" provides instant insight into contracts and the legal data they contain. Our solution automatically categorizes all of your documents and removes the need for time-consuming analysis, saving you time without compromising on accuracy.

    - Search within your documents without sacrifices thanks to our innovative design

    - Get immediate access to the relevant provisions or key data points in a single or in a variety of documents

    On request
    in Switzerland
    legartis technology AG More about the provider