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The swiss developer survey 2021 has 888 participants (- 13 percent). Of these, 618 answered the survey in full.

Some of the incomplete responses were very wide-ranging. Therefore, all persons who answered at least five questions were taken into account. In addition, since answering many questions was not mandatory, the number of answers given varies between 618 and 888, depending on the question.

The vast majority of the 888 participants work for a Swiss company in Switzerland or abroad - around 96 percent (2020: 98 percent). Only 36 people work for a foreign company.

Just under 89 percent (2020: 87 percent) of participants live in Switzerland. Of these 725 people, in turn, just over 82 percent (2020: 82 percent) have lived here for more than 10 years. Around 1.5 percent (2020: 1.5 percent) came to Switzerland less than a year ago.

More than 94 percent (765 people) (2020: 91 percent) work mainly in Switzerland. At 86 percent, the vast majority (2020: 92 percent) of participants come from German-speaking Switzerland. A further 11 percent come from French-speaking Switzerland (2020: 9 percent). For the first time, we had some participants from Ticino - three percent of the responses come from beyond the Alps.

Of those living abroad (49 people), a large proportion come from northern Macedonia (14) or Hungary (11).  The rest are distributed in small groups among Liechtenstein, Germany and Singapore. These are supplemented by individual voices from Vietnam, Argentina, India and Romania.

69 percent (2020: 67 percent) of participants have a Swiss passport. Interestingly, 73 people (around 9 percent) are in the naturalization process. Hopp Schwiiz!

Unsurprisingly, the male dominance is 89 percent (2020: 88 percent). 8 percent are women and 26 people identified with "Other" or did not want to specify.

In terms of age, the participants are a mixed bunch - but 69 percent are in the 25 to 44 age group.

47 percent (2020: 38 percent) of the participants have children and 1.9 percent are expecting children - we wish the parents-to-be all the best!

About 74 percent (2020: 77 percent) of participants work full-time, 20 percent (2020: 18 percent) work part-time, and about 3 percent (2020: 2 percent) are freelancers. Another 1.1 percent (2020: 1.7 percent) are apprentices. People value the workplace. It is also interesting to note that the proportion of part-time workers is significantly below the Swiss average of 37 percent.

Keyword industry: The participants are broadly distributed across the Swiss economy, although some sectors clearly dominate. Around 36 percent (2020: 37 percent) of participants are generalists and develop software for all industries. 18 percent (2020: 23 percent) work in the finance/fintech environment. The public sector is represented by 10 percent (2020: 10 percent). In contrast, slightly more than 1 percent (2019: less than 1 percent) work around the topic of security.

In Switzerland, the SME cap is 249 employees. Accordingly, almost 53 percent (2020: 43.5 percent) of participants work for SMEs. So this year we have almost 10 percent fewer participants from the environment of large companies.

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