mobile - ios > providers from switzerland

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  • A
  • Anomelia

    Im Lager, auf der Baustelle, unterwegs – Ihr ERP rückt näher ans Geschehen heran

    Anomelia ist eine Webapp, die bestehende ERPs ergänzt.

    Die Mitarbeiter vor Ort auf der Baustelle können direkt über ein Tablet rapportieren und so schneller und einfacher mit dem Büro kommunizieren.

    On request
    no data
    Softcom Technologies SA More about the provider
  • App Care Service, Beratung & Expertise

    Langfristig wettbewerbsfähig

    Sie planen den nächsten grösseren Schritt? Ein Redesign oder den Ausbau der Funktionalitäten? Änderungen bringen immer sowohl Risiken wie auch Chancen mit sich. Wir unterstützen Sie dabei, die Auswirkungen einer Weiterentwicklung zu analysieren und neue Möglichkeiten beim Schopf zu packen.

    Wartung und Weiterentwicklung

    Die App steht. Doch wie weiter? Manchmal fehlt die Zeit oder das Know-how, um technologischen Hilfsmitteln die nötige Zuwendung zu schenken. Gerne übernehmen wir das, damit Ihre App fit bleibt. Aufbau von Automatisierungs-Pipelines oder Perfomance-Verbesserung Ihrer Apps? Gerne!

    On request
    no data
    approppo GmbH More about the provider
  • App Entwicklung

    Ob einfach oder komplex – wir erstellen innovative Apps die funktionieren. Wir programmieren für iOS, Android und Windows Phone. Um das passende Backend / CMS, bzw. die Anbindung, kümmern wir uns ebenfalls gerne.

    on request
    Swift, Objective C, Java, Xamarin, React, Angular JS, Ruby on Rails
    no data
    smoca AG More about the provider
  • C
  • Cloud App

    Manage your construction sites from your smartphone.

    In Caturix included
    no data
    Caturix App AG More about the provider
  • M
  • Mobile Apps & Game development

    Would you like to enable access to your services on the go? Or do you have an idea for an app?

    Would you like to offer your services in a playful way or win new and young customers for your product?

    We help you.

    On request
    no data
    bytemade GmbH More about the provider
  • Mobile Apps iOS & Android

    We offer native mobile apps that serve a wide variety of purposes. We continuously track and monitor the market and will recommend you the optimal platforms as well as inform you of upcoming changes.

    Additionally we offer our own CMS solutions for the management of apps or we bind the app to an existing solution.

    On request
    Objective-C, Java, C#, C++, C
    available in Switzerland
    Swiss-Development GmbH More about the provider
  • Mobile Apps und Tablet Lösungen für B2C und B2B

    Thanks to many years of experience with tailor made mobile applications and services, we can support our customers to extend their enterprise architecture with mobile services. We cover all aspects from the concept to the development of complex and innovative solutions.

    On request
    Apple, iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows Phone, Tablet, Web Services, REST, HTML5, CSS, HTML, Java
    available in Switzerland
    mp technology AG More about the provider
  • Mobile Development

    We develop iOS and Android applications in Swift and Kotlin / Kotlin Multiplatform. Thanks to our modern software architecture and our sustainable native development, no compromises in neither user experience, performance, nor functionality have to be made. Our services range from simple apps to complex, business-critical enterprise applications.


    • Consultation

    • Conception

    • Software Architecture

    • Specifications

    • Expert Reviews of Design and UX Conception

    • Native Mobile Development for Android and iOS

    • Development in Swift, Kotlin, Objective-C, and Java

    • Kotlin Multiplatform Development

    • Developer Documentation

    • Maintenance & Operation

    Ensuring quality

    We guarantee the quality and maintainability of our digital products with linting and, which are integrated into our development tools. Unit tests are carried out automatically through continuous integration and via Github Actions. A new functionality, therefore, goes through several stages of reviews before it is published.

    Open Source

    All technologies used by dreipol are subject to Open Source licenses and do not incur any license costs.

    On request
    Android, iOS, Swift, Kotlin, Kotlin Multiplatform
    in Switzerland
    dreipol GmbH More about the provider
  • Mobile Solutions

    Five billion mobile devices worldwide and a Smartphone market that is growing by 40+ % annually, opens up a dazzling array of mobile applications. Mobile applications – when sensibly and appropriately deployed – have the ability to sustainably shape value chains.

    All End-to-End applications are designed to improve company-wide, internal processes. Mobile Solutions can only be standardized up to a point; their design and value depends on business environment and process integration, which differs company by company. Mobile Application integration in existing IT environments is commonly one of the most complex, operationally challenging endeavors, due to far-reaching process changes. For this reason, increasing security demands need special attention.

    Ergonomics’ Mobile Enterprise Solutions offers a broad range. We accompany you securely and professionally – from Conceptual Design to your successful, new mobile service Implementation.

    On request
    iOS, Android, HTML5
    no data
    Ergonomics AG More about the provider
  • R
  • Report App

    With the Caturix Report app, you can create reports entirely on your mobile phone or tablet.

    Free of charge and premium subscription from CHF 25 per month.
    no data
    Caturix App AG More about the provider
  • V
  • Von der Idee zum Digitalen Produkt

    Innovation, consulting, conception, development, implementation, enhancements or troubleshooting: We offer the entire service for your app solutions. Our agency accompanies and supports you on the way to your mobile application - whether on Android or iOS.

    On request
    Swift (iOS), Kotlin (Android), Java, Docker
    in Switzerland
    approppo GmbH More about the provider