liip ag

Liip is a Swiss digital agency with a strong mindset. For more than 15 years, Liip has been helping customers overcome digital challenges: from developing award-winning online platforms, mobile apps and online shops, through to coaching sessions for new ways of working. From A to Z we cover with experts in strategy, ideation, user experience and custom development – whether start-up, large company or federal authority, from retail to mobility. Rather than off-the-peg solutions, we offer digital progress: user-centred innovations with a social, environmental and economic impact. Liip works in an agile way in self-organised teams using Holacracy. This means no bosses, just lots of entrepreneurship and drive – and even more diversity, open source ideas and creative approaches.

Rue de la Banque 1
1700 Fribourg

Tel +41 43 588 13 78

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Internships, dissertations and apprenticeships show detailhide detail

We offer internships
We offer positions for dissertations


Products & Services

User Experience Services & Consulting show product detailhide product detail

At Liip we are passionate about User Experience. The user is our priority. We develop made-to-measure web applications that focus on the essentials. In workshops we develop in cooperation with your team a straight vision and a foucus on your specific markets.
in Switzerland

Development Product & Cloud Service show product detailhide product detail

We develop websites, mobile apps and e-commerce tools with a lot of passion. Using agile methods, we work on fontend and backend, which are convincing all along the line. We create functionally and formally sophisticated solutions from a wide range of open source components - whether Drupal or Django for CMS projects, Angular and Laravel for web apps and Vue.js or React for user interfaces. Or a completely different framework that fits perfectly to your ideas and the needs of your customers.
Drupal, Symfony 2, JavaScript, CSS, HTML5, Django, Angular, Laravel, Vue.js, React
in Switzerland

SEO & Analytics Services & Consulting show product detailhide product detail

To be found on the web, that is our goal. Welcome to the exciting world of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Analytics. Our SEO experts ensure that your website appears high up in the search engine results and that you increase conversion through organic traffic. And once the users are on your website, in your app or your online shop, our analytics specialists measure exactly what the users are doing. This way you can optimise your content and get more conversions.
in Switzerland


  • Tuesday 24.05.2016

    Swiss banks need to change their culture

    Fintech is booming. Technology companies are taking over markets that were once the exclusive domain of established financial institutions. In order to keep pace with these changes, banks need to welcome IT as part of their core business. Anna Rontojannis
  • Wednesday 20.05.2015

    Open Public Service Innovation

    Benutzerfreundliche Web- und Mobile-Anwendungen beruhen auf offenen Methoden, Interoperabilität sowie Wiederverwendbarkeit von Daten. In der Kombination dieser Faktoren schlummert das grösste Potenzial für Innovation im öffentlichen Sektor. Andreas Amsler