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  • biskoui

    Biskoui is a swiss made consent management platform that can be easily installed on any website. In the form of a consent widget, it manages your third-party services and their cookies to ensure that they are only executed upon user consent.

    The objective of biskoui is to help Swiss companies easily comply with the nFADP (New Federal Act on Data Protection) data protection law that came into force on September 1, 2023.

    biskoui offers the following features:

    - Swiss nFADP and European RGPD compliant

    - User consent log

    - Multilingual mode

    - Graphic customization of your widget

    - Consent statistics

    - WordPress plugin

    - Google Tag Manager integration

    - Consent Wall

    - Granular control (service by service)

    The tool is evolving monthly with new features.

    Biskoui also offers a flat cost service to build your privacy policy.

    Feel free to contact biskoui for all your website data protection needs.

    Start Plan: Free Basic Plan: CHF 9 / month Plus Plan: CHF 29 / month Pro Plan: CHF 99 / month 10% off on all annual subscriptions.
    in Switzerland
    Chewy Labs Sarl - biskoui More about the provider