general graphic and design software > providers from switzerland

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  • C
  • Company Yearbooks (soon) | MyChapter

    Strengthen your company from the inside out and increase team spirit with a personalized gift for your employees. With a yearbook, you can celebrate milestones, recognize special achievements and increase employee loyalty. MyChapter is the first and only Swiss provider of company yearbooks. Thanks to efficient automations, the time spent on your part is reduced to a minimum. So you can focus on your core business - while giving your team a treat.

    On request
    Interdependenzia GmbH More about the provider
  • S
  • School yearbooks | MyChapter

    Imagine a book that celebrates your graduation or your time in the club and captures this chapter of your life. A book full of photos and sayings from your friends. How much value would this memento have in 10 or 20 years' time? A yearbook is more than just a book; it's a timeless memory that catapults you back to your school days again and again. Thanks to MyChapter, the amount of time you have to invest is reduced to a minimum.

    On request
    Interdependenzia GmbH More about the provider
  • U
  • User Experience & Interface Design

    Our goal is to design digital products that meet the ideas and specifications of our clients as well as the needs of its users. We want our products to stand out from other solutions through better usability, design, and a high-performance implementation.


    • UX & Design Research

    • Design Thinking & Ideation, Workshops

    • User Experience Design, UX Consulting

    • Prototyping

    • Interface & Visual Design including Digital Branding

    • UX Writing & Content Creation

    • Usability Testing, Accessibility Optimization

    Focus on users

    User experience does not just «happen» but must be designed precisely. We map the needs of every user to meet them accordingly. It is the perfect combination of design, content, and technology that ensures maximum usability and comprehensibility of a digital product. In the end, this is what convinces the users.

    On request
    Design Thinking, Ideation Workshops, Wireframes, Prototyping, Usability Testing, Accessibility Optimization
    in Switzerland
    dreipol GmbH More about the provider