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Cooperation SwissText 2021 | Online-Event

Monday 14.06. – Wednesday 16.06.2021, Online, 8:30am to 5:30pm

swiss made software is partnering with „SwissText 2021“. Swiss made-members level 2 receive a 20 percent discount on conference tickets.

SwissText 2021 is a three-day online conference on automatic text analytics and covers topics such as chat bots, processing of Swiss German texts, or evaluation of medical and legal documents. The conference is organised by the Swiss Association for Natural Language Processing (SwissNLP) in collaboration with ZHAW and FHNW. The programme consists of presentations by outstanding international experts from research and industry. Interactive tutorials and practical workshops will address a broad audience. There are furthermore interactive sessions for discussing project ideas and making new contacts.

This year’s keynote talks will be held by Lucia Specia (Imperial College London), Sebastian Welter (Accenture) and Lluis Marquez (Amazon).

The conference is primarily aimed at experts from business and research in the fields of Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics and Data Science with a focus on text data.



The link above points directly towards registration. The promotional code is available upon request.