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developer profile

38 percent of the participants identify themselves as full-stack developers. Back-end accounts for 14 percent, while front-end and desktop or enterprise application developers each account for about 6 percent. Despite a large selection, the next largest group could not find a proper job description - they identiy as "other". 

Also interesting: 42 people, about 5 percent, belong to the C-Level - they seem to be management personnel that codes or used to code.

This is an interesting parallel to some of the biggest IT companies like Google, Amazon, Microsoft or Facebook, where the founders were all developers themselves.

Open Source: Around 9 percent regularly contribute to open source projects, 38 percent occasionally, 10 have given up and 42 percent have not found time for it (yet).

67 percent of the participants code in their free time. Understandably, this number is a bit lower for participants with children. But where else is there a professional group that pursues its professional activity with joy during their "free" time. Perhaps the work-life balance is less of an issue for these software developers because "work" is already "life" for them.

Participants have been coding for a long time: only 27 percent have done so for less than 10 years - over 40 percent for more than 18 years.

Compared to the preliminary question, this is purely about professional coding. The pattern is similar. However, it is clear that many of the participants have developed software privately longer than professionally.

12 percent of the participants are currently studying or undergoing formal training.

Education: 38 percent hold a bachelor degree, 35 percent a masters and a little more than 3 percent a doctor. The majority of the Masters are university-level, while the Bachelors are dominated by the University of Applied Sciences.

The participants continue to train diligently and in more than one way. The 751 participants of this question visited 2028 different trainings. Almost three per person. The most favorite form here is online training. This is unsurprising if you check the most popular online trainings on platforms like Udemy, LinkedIn Learning or Youtube. They are almost exclusively software development courses.

When it comes to courses, around 20 percent favor public events, 36 percent prefer an in-house trainer, and the rest does not care.

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