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preparation swiss hosting

Wednesday 01.07.2020

One year ago we launched the combined label swiss made software + hosted in switzerland. The feedback was very positive. Nearly 100 companies now use the new label. Now the next development step follows: hosted in switzerland will be relaunched with a rebranding.

The new swiss hosting introduces a contract based on the Swissness criteria. This contract was created with the law firm Schlauri Ronzani and subsequently submitted to our community for consultation. The aim is to raise swiss hosting to a similar level, to build trust with the users and to put some skin in the game. We are proud to present the result of our community effort.

Launch campaign
The relaunch will take place in the next few weeks. This will be accompanied by a marketing campaign. All companies that sign the framework agreement and use the new logo until then can participate. They will be mentioned by name in the press release and individually mentioned and linked with their logo on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Please fill out the following short form.

Deadline for participation is 24 July --> extended

New Deadline August 5.

>Register here please